Friday, August 29, 2008


Well, it's been a reaaallllyyyy loooooonnnnngggg time! If anyone is still looking at my blog, you probably think I have fallen off the face of the earth! Well, almost! =) I moved from the security of my hometown and my parent's house and all that I am familiar with to a new town and a new job! Which, as it turns out, is all good, except for the fact that so far I have very limited internet access (none at my house) and NO CRAFT SPACE!!! I am working long hours, but the work is fun and my employer is awesome! My rent is cheap and my house is fantastic, so the aforementioned things are inconvenient for now, but may be remedied before long. I desperately miss crafting though, well, the internet too... I don't get to keep up with all of my blogging peeps like I used to. So, if anyone is reading this, don't forget about me, I hope to be back in the blogging world again before long.
Cresta =)